Jersey Rain

It’s raining in Jersey again-
Gray ominous sky,
Emitting rainbow drops
Over my mysterious life!
I fancy them in all shades,
The rainbow drop parade,
Lightens up the dark places,
With spiraling joy!
It’s raining in jersey again,
My mood exists in between
The absent sun
And the tears of drops
That glide down my windowpane
Leaving me wondering
Where all my time
Has escaped to!
It’s raining in Jersey again,
Drops of a splintered life
Whispering its courageous ups
And narrow downs
In nature untamed
And I, I beckon the secrets
That I hear and will never replay-
Yes, it’s raining in Jersey,
But it’s doing so much more,
For that is its way.

Dark to Light

I was once young before I got old-
I remember everything I saw and was told!
The trees whispered their sacred truths-
That one time they too danced under the stars!
And that Spring was the season of the fountain of youth!
And flowers sang their faithful song-
And birds spoke in a dialect while chirping along!
The river told me, what I said,
Without love in the universe, all is dead!
And I listen carefully to the wise old rain
Who had been since the beginning and knew great fame?
Told me to always take my time
For life is so short and the choices I make are only mine!
I was young once before I got old-
But just remembering what I saw and was told,
Has kept me younger within,
And lessened the heavy load!
So, the rustling leaves told me
It is never too late to change the path
Keep to the straight and narrow
And never look back!
The rambunctious wind shared its wisdom as well,
It said the road to hell is wide so you will be able to tell!
And lastly, Jesus told me, I am the Truth, the Life, and the Way,
You can’t go to Heaven but through me okay!
So, I have kept to the straight and narrow,
Taken my time to slow down and enjoy the breezes and sights,
That sweep through my life changing it from dark to light!


Daylight shatters nighttime’s veil
As flowers of the world awaken
Petal by petal and drink their morning dew!
Birds of the earth awaken too
And with fiery song
Greet the morning with fresh hello!
The sun climbs higher and higher
As creature of the earth
Begin to stir
As I stumble on
Into my dream
That mornings are ethereal
And not everything is as they seem!
Angels scurry to prepare the day
As each of us makes our way
And our deal with every morning sunbeams,
Brushing off nighttime’s old news
Taking in deep breaths of the new morning’s perfume,
I rise,
And like the flower’s before me,
To God’s good creation set before me like
A table prepared before my enemies!
I am the Queen of the morn’
I smile to myself as I think of it,
And the sunshine dream begins anew!

Dreamer’s Lament

The leaves have fallen
In piles they lay
Winter is here and having its way!
The tears are all falling
Like icicles they slice-
What was once warm
And turned into ice!
I’m falling too-
Nearing to earth!
A time traveler I am-
Since after my birth!
City of clouds
In their kaleidoscope hearts
Have all burst into bloom
Into a whiteness from start!
I am free from my cocoon
But nestled in leaves
Fallen from branches
Left on their knees!
I humble myself before God Almighty-
Things have to go right
Things have to make sense
Or was all that I dreamed
A dreamer’s lament?